This time last week, Russell Knox was making a mad dash to get to China to play in the WGC-HSBC Champions. After all, it was only 10 days ago that the Jacksonville University grad found out that he was even eligible to play in the event (as an alternate, he got in once J.B. Holmes…
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View image | When people talked about the young crop of golfers that were about to take the PGA Tour by storm in 2014, Justin Thomas was high on that list. It didn’t come without merit either. In 2012, he won the Haskins Award as the top golfer in the country. Then, in 2013,…
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View image | Smylie Kaufman played his final round 61 in right around four hours yesterday. It was the two plus hours after his round was over though, that was the most agonizing of the day. Kaufman posted a four day total of 16-under par and then had to sit and wait as group…
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Golf is lots of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic. 4,307 total views, no views today About Dan HauserAs an avid golfer and sports enthusiast, Dan has had a passion for sports starting at a very young age. Dan’s other passion has always been writing. Since the time he could write, he has always…
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